Running costs for the use of our dry toilets are significantly lower than those of commercially available alternatives. This is due in particular to the fact that our dry toilets efficiently save on costs for water, waste water and disposal. The following calculation examples are intended to illustrate the financial savings that can be achieved by using a TROBOLO.
Costs of other toilet systems
With a conventional flush toilet, flushing your toilet just once can cost from 3.1 to 6.2 cents, depending on where you live. This can result in annual costs of over 100 euros.
You will need to assume even higher costs when using a toilet with a collecting pit, as is the case in allotments and holiday homes, for example, as these require regular emptying by a service provider. Here, too, the costs vary greatly depending on the service provider and your place of residence, ranging from 150 to sometimes 300 euros per emptying. For year-round use, costs of over 1000 euros can be incurred.
If you were considering renting a chemical toilet, this is also cost-intensive, as the toilet must be emptied regularly by the respective proprietor of the toilet. Furthermore, additional costs are incurred due to the toilet chemicals used. Here, too, the amounts add up to 1500 euros or more if the toilet is used all year round and emptied and cleaned weekly, depending on the provider.

Costs for TROBOLO composting toilets
You are spared such high utilisation costs with our TROBOLO models. Only the use of litter and inlays results in minor costs for you. With our models that can be equipped with an electrical exhaust system, the costs are even lower. Thanks to the efficient and economical exhaust air system, there is no need for litter, so you only incur costs for the use of inlays and electricity.
With a consumption of only 1.5 Wh, electricity costs are extremely low. The exhaust air system works throughout the entire period of use of the dry toilet, which corresponds to about 4 euros per year for year-round use and an average electricity price of 0.30 euros per kWh. The calculation is as follows:
365 days x 24 hours = 8,760*1.5 Wh= 13.14 KWh * 0.30 Euro = 3.94 Euro
A roll of compostable inlays (10 pieces) costs €9.90, and a roll of inlays made of recycled plastic (25 pieces) costs €24.90. This means that the annual usage costs for a TROBOLO equipped with an electrical exhaust system is significantly less than the amount you would have to plan for the water consumption of a conventional WC!
Therefore, all our TROBOLO models can be used for a whole year at significantly lower cost than other sanitary systems or your toilet at home. Thus, using a TROBOLO not only protects our environment but also your wallet.
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Here you will learn everything about the emptying process of our TROBOLO composting toilets and the disposal of toilet waste.
How to empty a composting toilet
Here you will learn everything about the emptying process of our TROBOLO composting toilets and the disposal of toilet waste.